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From Our Pastor



       Saint Stanislaus Church serves as a spiritual oasis for countless individuals and families.  Our building is over 100 years old and since 2016 has been home to a new, growing and thriving Personal Parish for anyone desiring to find the Traditional forms of worship in the Catholic Church united to Rome.


       As your Pastor, I, along with Father Rice and the outstanding members of our parish assisting me, including the Capital Campaign Cabinet, have the joy of announcing and asking you to participate in the Ad Altare Dei (“To the Altar of God”) Capital Campaign in support of our parish facilities.  Our venerable but well-used building and facilities are the necessary backbone upon which our vibrant parish life is built.  Giving to this campaign is a way to ensure what we do here will be able to continue long into the future.  A gift to this campaign will help us improve not only the structures with walls but also the community that has become Saint Stanislaus Parish.  This campaign does not address all of our needs but addresses what is needed right now and will significantly improve the structural integrity, beauty and functionality of our Church for the unique needs of a Traditional Catholic parish.


       January 21st is the formal start of the public phase of the Ad Altare Dei Capital Campaign.  For the last year, the Capital Campaign Committee and I have been meeting with some extremely generous families and individuals and I am happy to announce that over $1 million has been pledged from over 80 families.  This puts our stretch goal of $2 million well within reach.


       In the upcoming weeks, more details about the Ad Altare Dei Capital Campaign will be provided along with a campaign brochure and other materials related to the campaign.


       I am encouraged about the very positive start to the campaign during the silent phase and I am excited that the public phase has now begun.  Please join me in investing in the Traditional Latin Mass for now and the future.  And, please consider praying the Campaign Prayer.  We chose the ancient and powerful prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Sub Tuum Praesidium (“We fly to thy protection).  It is available at the link in the left column of this page.




(Rev.) John A. Brancich , FSSP, Pastor

© 2024 St. Stanislaus Church, Nashua, NH  03064

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